Save Time & Money with Meal Planning

Time and money are precious resources especially with life being so busy and inflation making pay day feeling less significant. And, while the hamster wheel of life may throw you life events and curveballs that leave your head spinning, there remain aspects that you can still control.
Meal planning, for example, while it may sound like a mundane task, is a simple exercise that can save you both time and money – both of which you want more of, right??
Meal planning is exactly as it sounds, planning your meal for the week ahead and going to the grocery store with a plan.
You know how they say to never go shopping on an empty stomach? The same goes with your list, never go to the store with an empty or blank one!
To plan your meals, look at the week ahead. Consider:
- making a Sunday meal large enough for leftovers on Monday
- trying a new but simple recipe
- having a lazy soup and sandwich night
- enjoying a breakfast for dinner night (eggs for dinner…the best!)
- preparing meals by building on ingredients you already have on hand
- letting your partner or children pick a favorite meal
Get creative!
Each week, as you plan your meals for the week ahead, add meal ideas to a master list of meals and soon you will have a meal reference to draw from.
So let’s get to the saving time and money.
While it may sound like you’re spending a lot of time planning, this is something that you can do while you watch your favorite TV show. A-ha! Killing two birds with one stone. And a time saver!
When you have a meal plan, gone are the weekday 3:00pm conversations with yourself or your significant other, “What do you want to do for dinner?” “I don’t know, what do you feel like?” “I dunno, what haven’t we done in a while?”
You know the drill.
Now you have your meal plan in place and you’ve reduced the stress of questioning what to make, thereby allowing you to be more focused on other things (like a calm commute home) or even allowing others in your household to start aspects of the meal before you get home.
You’re also saving time by not having to run to the store to grab items for dinner. Which, by the way, now infringes on the saving money because those frequent visits to the store cost more money by nickel and diming, and the cost of fuel for the extra mileage of going to the store.
Building on the topic of money, going into the grocery store without a plan is dangerous because there is so much yummy stuff calling you. Be strong! Look at the list and feel the satisfaction of striking items off it. Okay – maybe one treat.
When I go to the store without a plan, guaranteed my cart is filled with more processed food and a larger price tag.
Meal planning with fresh ingredients is more cost effective and as you learn to plan meals, you start to recognize food waste in your fridge which then allows you to adapt your grocery size.
As you can see, there are so many benefits to meal planning. While you may always go to the store with a list in your hand, is it a meal planning list or a list of items that you’re low on leaving you to fill in the blanks and hopefully buy enough food to create meals? Keep in mind, a proper plan will have a positive outcome for your bank account and with your time for week ahead.
I challenge you to give it a try for one month, it will be worth it. Before long, you will develop a routine that will benefit your bank account and your time.