5 Myths About Your Heart Health
When was the last time you stopped to think about the health of your heart? I am sure, like most, you go about your day without even a single thought about your ticker. And why would you?…
When was the last time you stopped to think about the health of your heart? I am sure, like most, you go about your day without even a single thought about your ticker. And why would you?…
We are well into 2022 and the air is buzzing with new year’s resolutions. Ahhhh yes, the mystical power of the ceremonial changing of the calendar that fills one with optimism of a better year, a better…
Years ago, as I was fighting chronic back pain and after seeing various medical professionals I was eventually diagnosed with moderate scoliosis. I was worried that this was a life sentence of ongoing pain, one that I…
Each and every day we run on this metaphoric wheel, sometimes knowing where we are going and other times questioning if there is a destination.
Most days we are running so fast that we don’t stop to look to the left or look to the right because we are all too focused on looking straight ahead. And, while it is important to keep our eye on the prize, a prize that some days seems achievable and other days perhaps not so much, things slowly begin to fall by the wayside. Health, happiness, relationships, and more.