Hamster Life
Welcome to the Hamster Wheel we call life. Each and every day we run on this metaphoric wheel, sometimes knowing where we are going and other times questioning if there is a destination.
Most days we are running so fast that we don’t stop to look to the left or look to the right because we are all too focused on looking straight ahead. And, while it is important to keep our eye on the prize, a prize that some days seems achievable and other days perhaps not so much, things slowly begin to fall by the wayside. Health, happiness, relationships, and more.
But, in this busy life that we all lead, it is important to stop to take care of ourselves and to understand the world around us. And this site is exactly that.
After thousands of hours banked in meetings over the last 20+ years, I have come to learn that there is a whole world out there that I never stopped to explore. A world of physical health and self-care beyond the many conveniences, happiness beyond the instant gratification of ‘things’, fulfillment from the patience of learning a new skill, excitement beyond the usual routine, and random knowledge useful to understand my place in the world or just for the sake of knowing something whimsical.
It is here that I share the knowledge that I continue to learn each day about the world around us, in anticipation of positively impacting your life on the hamster wheel in some little way – whether through healthy eating, mindful living or skills for home and work.
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