About Me

A wife, mother and business professional, my days can be long. In fact, I am often guilty of being too busy. I guess I am a business and busy-ness addict…is that a thing?

I have given a significant part of my career life to professional development, dinner meetings, and overtime hours with much passion for success, a commitment to my team, and a desire to prove my worth to the executives around the boardroom table, and perhaps to myself as well. Unfortunately, this commitment was often prioritized over my family, personal time and even my health, much like you – I’m sure.

During this journey, I have worked with and managed many amazing people. I have also witnessed first-hand as so many of them put their mental wellness, physical health or both on the back burner due to the demands of the job and company.

In early 2020, I started a new chapter. One that allowed me to continue to focus on management, leadership, and business development but in a multi-disciplinary clinical setting. Surrounded by medical professionals eager to share their knowledge and stories, a new found passion arose – one of health and well-being.  With this, it created a desire to help the many business professionals, who just like me, have put their own self-care on the back burner while running rampantly on the hamster wheel.

Embracing each day as a learning opportunity, my focus is on combining my passion for business and health to create a proactive approach to preventing illness from stress and an over-demanding lifestyle.