Introduce High Vibration Foods to your Health Goals

We are well into 2022 and the air is buzzing with new year’s resolutions.
Ahhhh yes, the mystical power of the ceremonial changing of the calendar that fills one with optimism of a better year, a better me. Of course, none of this was possible on December 31st, but magically at the stroke of midnight the impossible becomes possible.
For many, the focus becomes health, and the deliberate holiday indulgence in the rear view mirror further validates the necessity.
If you are among those who have set out to lose weight, eat better, or generally get healthier, you may want to consider a change to your dialogue about food. A good start is by veering away from the word diet.
To most, the word diet psychologically implies the deprivation of your favorite less-than-healthy foods and a strict discipline of low-calorie meals. However, we all know that the more we deprive ourselves of something, the more we want it!
So, while there may be some excitement with meal planning, purchasing healthy foods for the fridge and countertop, and buying a journal or app to track every morsel of food that you put in your mouth, after the first week or two into the new relationship with food you may find that the honeymoon is over.
Instead of depriving yourself of those foods that make you happy, consider adding more healthy food to your meals. From here, you can start to slowly reduce some of the foods that you know you should be consuming less regularly.
Another thing to consider, and a new concept that I recently introduced to my life, is the relationship of energy and vibration with yourself and the food you eat.
As always, I like to believe that I have you scratching your head while wondering what I’m talking about.
What is all this vibration nonsense??
Let’s back up for a moment and simply look at the vibration of your own body.
We are all living beings consisting of energy or vibration. Think about positive energy as high vibration like the feelings of peace, joy and love; whereas on the opposite end of the scale is negative energy or low vibration like guilt, shame, or grief.

It is easy to see how these are opposites but take a moment to really take notice of how these words change the way you feel. To begin, think about a moment of true joy or happiness in your life – your wedding day, the birth of a child, seeing a family member for the first time after being apart for an extended period of time. Do you feel the increase of energy or vibration in your body with this good feeling?
Now let’s turn the table. Think about something that you may feel guilty about – something you said to someone that hurt them, the accidental dent you made on the door of your friend’s new car, not calling your grandma for an extended period of time even though you have been meaning to. Dig deep for a time in your life where you felt an intense negative emotion. Do you notice the vibration of your body decrease?
Feeling what you just felt, if you could eat foods that offer the benefits of higher vibration or energy, would you do this more regularly?
High vibration foods provide energy and play a role in increasing your body vibration. They contain nutrients to fuel you, they are natural, and they are free of toxins. And by consuming high vibration foods in their pure form, you absorb their energy which will then benefit your health.
High vibration foods are all around us – they are categorized as whole foods or living foods. Fruits and vegetables are naturally at the top of the list with each varying in their vibration level. They are a life force – they have grown and been nurtured from the earth.
Low vibration foods are those that are processed or manufactured. These are foods with refined flour and sugar and have an abundance of additives. These are also the foods that we indulge in when we are stressed. You may be thinking that the big bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream is a high vibration food because it makes you feel happy, and happy is a high vibration emotion but sound the buzzer!
I am not an expert in this area, and there is much to learn – I am purely providing you with another perspective with your approach to food. And, because we all want to feel good and live in the “high vibration” zone, consuming high vibration food only makes sense.
As always, I challenge you to do your own research on high vibration foods for consideration as you work towards your personal health goals. And, I offer this new perspective because I want you to be successful and feel your best. With a world full of varying perspectives on food and food psychology, finding the right one will be the key to your success.
Cheers to your health in 2022!