As children, we are taught to strive for something big, that we can be anything, or to make something of ourselves. The traditional path is that you finish grade 12, go off to university or college and…
About Me
A wife, mother and business professional, my days can be long. In fact, I am often guilty of being too busy. I guess I am a business and busy-ness addict…is that a thing?
Each and every day we run on this metaphoric wheel, sometimes knowing where we are going and other times questioning if there is a destination.
Most days we are running so fast that we don’t stop to look to the left or look to the right because we are all too focused on looking straight ahead. And, while it is important to keep our eye on the prize, a prize that some days seems achievable and other days perhaps not so much, things slowly begin to fall by the wayside. Health, happiness, relationships, and more.